Kristen & Jacob

July 12, 2025 • Crawley, WV
120 Days To Go!

Kristen & Jacob

July 12, 2025 • Crawley, WV
120 Days To Go!

Our Story

Kristen and Jacob met in the fall of 2020 while attending West Virginia University. The couple spent much of their time in college at sporting events, going on late-night ice cream runs, and going on weekend trips.

Both Kristen and Jacob graduated from WVU and worked in Morgantown for a couple years. After some time passed, they decided it was time for a change of pace. The couple began looking for new jobs in Summersville, Jacob's hometown.

They found a small apartment and both got job offers the same month, and decided it was time to make the move back home closer to their families.

Jacob proposed to Kristen in January 2025, after three years of being together. Now, the couple spends most of their time on the family farm with their cattle, still attending the occasional WVU game, and spending time with their friends.